eBPF Summit 2024

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Run your program in the kernel space with eBPF

Learn how to implement a simple program that will monitor deleted files in the system and print their filename using eBPF

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Instrumenting Python GIL with eBPF

Explore how to measure the impact of the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python using eBPF

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Writing eBPF Tracepoint Program with Rust Aya: Tips and Example

Learn how to write and run an eBPF Tracepoint program with Rust Aya

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Hello eBPF: BPF Type Format and 13 Thousand Generated Java Classes (11)

The eleventh installment of the Hello eBPF series. In this part, you’ll learn about the BPF Type Format (BTF) and how and why we generate Java code from it

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Fooling Port Scanners: Simulating Open Ports with eBPF and Rust

Learn how to use Rust and eBPF to thwart curious individuals attempting to scan a machine using the three-way handshake behavior and a related port scanning technique

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Monitoring PostgreSQL Database on Kubernetes using eBPF

Learn how to use eBPF for monitoring PostgreSQL databases on Kubernetes

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Reverse engineering eBPF programs

Dive into the internals of how eBPF works by reverse engineering some eBPF-based programs

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Unveiling Hidden Threats: Detecting Unauthorized Access in Kubernetes with eBPF

Dive deep into using eBPF for security, specifically detecting unauthorized access attempts

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Aya Rust Tutorial part 5: Using Maps

Learn how to pass data between the kernel and user space using Maps in eBPF

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Simple Firewall with Rust and Aya

Learn how to use eBPF to create a simple firewall/router

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