Uchambuzi wa Kesi za eBPF
Hapa kuna baadhi ya mashirika yanayotumia eBPF kwa uzalishaji. Ikiwa unatumia eBPF na haukokwenye orodha hii, tafadhali wasilisha ombi la uchukuzi.
- Google
Google hutumia eBPF kwa ukaguzi wa usalama, usindikaji wa pakiti, na ufuatiliaji na ukaguzii wa utendaji
- Netflix
Netflix hutumia eBPF kwa kiwango kikubwa kwa ufahamu wa mtandao
- Android
Android hutumia eBPF kufuatilia na kukagua matumizi ya mtandao, nguvu la tarakilishi, na ufuatiliaji wa kumbukumbu
- S&P Global
S&P Global hutumia eBPF kupitia Cilium kwa mtandao katika “Cloud” na kwenye eneo la “Premise”
- Shopify
Shopify hutumia eBPF kupitia Falco kwa ugunduzi wa kuingilia
- Cloudflare
Cloudflare hutumia eBPF kwa usalama wa mtandao, ufuatiliaji/ukaguzi wa utendezi, na ufuatiliaji/ukaguzi wa mtandao
- Microsoft
Microsot uses eBPF to enhance the observability and inspection of processes within Kubernetes
- Samsung
Samsung uses eBPF in their android devices for networking
- Ikea
Ikea uses eBPF through Cilium for networking and load balancing in their private cloud
- Apple
Apple uses eBPF through Falco for kernel security monitoring
- Meta
Meta uses eBPF to process and load balance every packet coming into their data centers
- DoorDash
DoorDash uses eBPF through BPFAgent for kernel level monitoring
- Datadog
Datadog uses eBPF for networking and security in their SaaS product
- Alibaba
Alibaba uses eBPF through Cilium to provide networking in their cloud
- Red Hat
Red Hat uses eBPF at scale for load balancing and tracing in their private cloud
- Seznam
Seznam uses eBPF for load balancing
- Trip.com
Trip.com uses eBPF for load balancing
- Bell
Bell Canada uses eBPF to moderize telco networking with SRv6
- Wildlife Studios
Wildlife Studios uses eBPF through Cilium for high performance game networking
- Capital One
Capital One uses eBPF to secure their cloud infrastructure
- Sky
Sky uses eBPF through Cilium for cloud networking
- Walmart
Walmart uses eBPF for edge cloud load balancing
- Palantir
Palantir uses eBPF to debug networking problems
- Cruise
Cruise uses eBPF to monitor GPU performance
- Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean uses eBPF to monitor GPU performance
- Yahoo
Yahoo uses eBPF for load balancing and performance analysis
- Bytedance
Bytedance uses eBPF for system tracing
- F5
F5 BIG-IP integration with Cilium VTEP feature
- LinkedIn
LinkedIn uses eBPF for Infrastructure Observability
- The New York Times
The New York Times uses eBPF for networking
- SentinelOne
SentinelOne uses eBPF to detect and to respond to runtime threats like ransomware and zero-day exploits in real time.
- Aqua Security
Aqua Security uses eBPF to handle runtime detection and forensics
- Odigos
Odigos hutumia eBPF kuwekea vifaa kiotomatiki programu yoyote, ikijumuisha usambazaji wa muktadha kiotomatiki
- Akita
Akita uses eBPF at scale for API observability
- Line Coporation
Line Corporation uses eBPF at scale for load balancing and tracing in their private cloud
- Exein
Exein uses eBPF in their open source runtime security framework for IoT
- Ant Group
Ant Group uses eBPF in their cloud native security platform for vulnerability live-patching, and system anomaly detection
- Sysdig
Sysdig uses eBPF to enable high-performance system call tracing, facilitate container-aware troubleshooting, conduct security auditing, and provide rich insights and data from the kernel
- Kodem
Kodem uses eBPF for application visibilty and runtime intelligence
- Cycode
Cycode uses eBPF for CI/CD security
- Wiz
Wiz uses eBPF to provide real-time threat detection and monitoring within cloud workloads
- Core Tech
Core Tech uses eBPF to filter out unwanted traffic and mitigate DDoS attacks
- FlowSecurity
Flow Security uses eBPF technology to analyze data in motion for data discovery, classification, risk management, and data violation detection and response
- Helios
Helios uses eBPF in their runtime analysis tool for observability and security
- Qpoint
Qpoint inatumia eBPF kufuatilia na kulinda trafiki ya nje kuelekea API za wauzaji wako wa nje
- Attribute
Attribute uses eBPF to provide real time, no tagging cloud cost visibility and attribution for dynamic environments
- Protect AI
Protect AI hutumia eBPF kulinda programu za LLM katika uzalishaji wakati wa utekelezaji, ikitoa mwonekano kwa ajili ya uwezo wa hali ya juu wa kugundua vitisho na kukabiliana navyo