eBPF Documentary


  • Linux Kernel

    eBPF Runtime

    The Linux kernel contains the eBPF runtime required to run eBPF programs. It implements the bpf(2) system call for interacting with programs, maps, BTF and various attachment points where eBPF programs can be executed from. The kernel contains a eBPF verifier in order to check programs for safety and a JIT compiler to translate programs to native machine code. User space tooling such as bpftool and libbpf are also maintained as part of the upstream kernel.

  • LLVM Compiler

    eBPF Backend

    The LLVM compiler infrastructure contains the eBPF backend required to translate programs written in a C-like syntax to eBPF instructions. LLVM generates eBPF ELF files which contain program code, map descriptions, relocation information and BTF meta data. These ELF files contain all necessary information for eBPF loaders such as libbpf to prepare and load programs into the Linux kernel. The LLVM project also contains additional developer tools such as an eBPF object file disassembler.

  • GCC Compiler

    eBPF Backend

    The GCC compiler comes with an eBPF backend starting from GCC 10. Up to that point, LLVM has been the only compiler which supports generating eBPF ELF files. The GCC port is roughly equivalent to the LLVM eBPF support. There are some missing bits of functionality but the GCC community is working to close these gaps over time. GCC also contains eBPF binutils as well as eBPF gdb support for debugging of eBPF code that is traditionally consumed by the Linux kernel. Included as part of this is an eBPF simulator for gdb.

  • bpftool

    Command-line tool to inspect and manage eBPF objects

    Powered by libbpf, bpftool is the reference utility to quickly inspect and manage BPF objects on a Linux system. Use it to list, dump, or load eBPF programs and maps, to generate skeletons for eBPF applications, to statically link eBPF programs from different object files, or to perform various other eBPF-related tasks.

  • C++

    • libbpf

      libbpf is a C/C++ based library which is maintained as part of the upstream Linux kernel. It contains an eBPF loader which takes over processing LLVM generated eBPF ELF files for loading into the kernel. libbpf received a major boost in capabilities and sophistication and closed many existing gaps with BCC as a library. It also supports important features not available in BCC such as global variables and BPF skeletons.

  • Golang

    • eBPF

      eBPF is designed as a pure Go library that provides utilities for loading, compiling, and debugging eBPF programs. It has minimal external dependencies and is intended to be used in long running processes.

    • libbpfgo

      libbpfgo is a Go wrapper around libbpf. It supports BPF CO-RE and its goal is to be a complete implementation of libbpf APIs. It uses CGo to call into linked versions of libbpf.

  • Rust

    • aya

      aya is an eBPF library built with a focus on operability and developer experience. It allows for both eBPF programs and their userspace programs to be written in Rust.

    • libbpf-rs is a safe, idiomatic, and opinionated wrapper API around libbpf written in Rust. libbpf-rs, together with libbpf-cargo (libbpf cargo plugin) allows to write 'compile once run everywhere' (CO-RE) eBPF programs.

  • Utilities for use with XDP

    libxdp is an XDP-specific library that sits on top of libbpf and implements a couple of XDP features: it supports loading of multiple programs to run in sequence on the same interface, and it contains helper functions for configuring AF_XDP sockets as well as reading and writing packets from these sockets.

  • PcapPlusPlus

    C++ library for capturing, parsing and crafting network packets

    PcapPlusPlus is a multi-platform C++ library for capturing, parsing and crafting network packets. It is designed to be efficient, powerful and easy to use. PcapPlusPlus enables capturing and sending network packets through a variaty of packet processing engines, one of them is eBPF AF_XDP sockets. It features an easy-to-use C++ interface for creating AF_XDP sockets, making it easy to send and receive packets through them.

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    • 이 페이지는 eBPF를 코어 기술로 사용하는 오픈 소스 프로젝트를 나열하고 있습니다. 이러한 프로젝트들이 모두 eBPF 재단 에서 관리하는 프로젝트는 아니지만, eBPF 프로젝트 큰그림에 대한 조사의 일부로 나열되어있습니다.
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  • 프로젝트가 목록에 등재되기 위한 요구사항들

    프로젝트들은 현 페이지에서 "Major" 또는 "Emerging" 상태로 등재될 수 있습니다. "Emerging" 으로 등재되기 위해서는 다음의 요구사항을 만족해야합니다:

    • 해당 프로젝트는 오픈소스여야 합니다. 모든 오픈소스 코드는 오픈소스 라이센스에 의해 라이센싱 되어야합니다. 모든 공식 문서 또한 공개 라이센스에 의해 라이센싱 되어야합니다.
    • 해당 프로젝트는 반드시 eBPF를 해당 프로젝트의 근간이 되는 주요 기술로 사용해야하거나 (즉, 만일 eBPF가 사용되는 부분이 없어진다면, 해당 프로젝트의 목적이 없어집니다) eBPF를 프로덕션 환경에서 사용하는 것에
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    "Major" 프로젝트로 등재되기 위해서는, 해당 프로젝트는 상술된 모든 요구사항을 만족해야하며, 추가적으로 다음의 사항을 만족해야합니다:

    • T해당 프로젝트는 50명 이상의 기여자가 있어야 합니다.
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